Breast Surgery Recovery Process And Timeline

Breast Surgery Recovery Process And Timeline

Breast augmentation, also referred to as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves using breast implants or fat transfer to enhance your breasts. This surgery can also restore breast volume lost after weight loss or pregnancy, can help achieve a more rounded breast shape or improve natural breast size asymmetry. Like any invasive surgical procedure, there is a specific recovery process that should be followed seriously in order to avoid any complications, infections and achieve the patient’s desired results.  

One of the most common concerns regarding is about breast augmentation recovery stages and breast implant aftercare. Typically, recovery takes about 6 to 8 weeks however it may take more time depending on how you heal, your overall health, medical history, and the technique the plastic surgeon used. Every person and body are different and the path to recovery may vary case by case.  

Many of the questions you might have been regarding implant recovery and aftercare. In this article we have prepared a breast implant surgery aftercare with some of the most common questions answered. 

While breast implant recovery stages involve some pain, it is generally manageable with the right medication and treatment. It is important to rest as much as possible after surgery and avoid strenuous, upper body exercises and heavy lifting. The best way to heal it is to eat very healthy and drink plenty of fluids.  Avoid high sodium, salty foods as they increase swelling and fluid retention, and avoid smoking as it affects blood circulation and healing. Regarding intimacy, you must consider your breasts will be sensitive and vulnerable for up to 3 weeks, they should be touched very gently It’s best to wait 2 weeks to resume sexual activity  

Immediately after Surgery: since general and/or local anesthesia is used, you will be asleep during the procedure. Once it is done, you’ll be transferred to a recovery room while nurses monitor you. While the anesthesia starts wearing off you will probably start feel a bit achy and groggy with slight muscle aches in your chest area. You will be able to go home after several hours, remember to have someone to pick you up. It depends what your Surgeon advices but generally patient should avoid getting their incision wet for at least 48 to 72 hours.  

During that time, you may feel tired and sore and experience bruising. However, these symptoms will fade over time.  Your surgeon will most likely have bandages on you that will come off in the next 24 hours and replaced with a post surgical bra. 

First Days after Surgery:  The first 3 to 5 days post breast augmentation are generally when you will feel the most discomfort since the muscle and skin is adjusting to the procedure. Your board-certified surgeon will have prescribed medication to help control the pain. You might also have minor bleeding at the incision sites during the first few days, this is normal. But if you’re concerned about any bleeding, talk to your surgeon. Wearing a post surgical compression garment is super important, it will help with the swelling, edema and other processes. 

1 week: Over the counter pain medication such as ibuprofen should be taken if you wished to continue pain medication. Most patients can return to their desk-jobs 5 to 7 days after surgery and participate in light activities. You can also start driving again 5 to 7 days after surgery It is recommended to avoid heavy lifting (yes, this also includes lifting children and large pets) and rigorous workouts for at least 4 weeks. Going on short walks is recommended.  Starting a scar treatment for prevention and better healing process is recommended once your suture points have reabsorbed or been removed. 

1 month after surgery: most of your soreness should be gone.  Most Surgeons recommend waiting for at least 6 weeks to resume more intense workouts and lifting, if you’re not sure it’s important to consult with your Surgeon regarding your workout regimen. Surgeons recommend waiting at least 12 weeks for heavy weight lifting.  It is recommended sleeping upright, on your back for the first 4 week. It might be tempting to sleep on your side or on your stomach but it’s worth the wait to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your implants while they heal.  Keep on using your scar treatment, early scar care will make a huge difference in later results. 

By the 4 to 6 weeks your implants should settle into place .and the swelling will go away.  It is advised to use compression bras such as our NOA for six weeks after your surgery to help with healing and recovery. If you’re planning to go on a trip and fly, it is advised to wait at least two weeks some surgeons are extra cautious and recommend not flying for the first four weeks. If flying is absolutely necessary, it’s important to discuss with your board-certified surgeon.  

 It is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol for the first 2 weeks after surgery. Avoid if you are still taking pain medicine or chronic medication.  

2 months after surgery: By the 7th week your breasts will feel softer and more “natural. You should be nearing full recovery; however, this depends on how well your body heals and your medical history.  

The incision scar will start to relax and begin fading. It is recommended to hydrate the area or use scar creams to help smoothen the skin and scar in the area. It is also not uncommon to still experience swelling in the area, it is advised to use a supportive surgical bra such as NOA to help reduce swelling. Although, for some patients the swelling can last up to 3 months. If swelling continuous, please consult your doctor. 

3 to 6 months: if you took care of your incisions and follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions to the letter, you should enjoy complete results within 3 or 4 months. Usually, patients start recovering normal sensation in their breasts 6 months after surgery. 

 emember to always consult with your Surgeon if you have any questions about the activities, you can or cannot do. It is important you follow his or her advice and recovery timeline. It is also generally advised to avoid alcohol and nicotine until a full recovery. There are also ways to contribute to a speedier and better recovery, such as eating a healthy diet, exercising (very light at the beginning of the recovery process), drinking plenty of water, using medical grade compression garments such as NOA and following your Surgeon’s advice post breast augmentation. 

GC Aesthetics®, A Confident Choice for Life™   


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